The Benefits of Dental Implants

Tooth loss was never part of your plan; however, it’s more common for adults than you might think. Luckily, our Clifton, NJ, dentist Dr. Anthony Pinadella and periodontist Dr. Victor Terranova offers dental implants to help restore your missing tooth or teeth. Not sure if implants are right for you? Here are some of the biggest benefits associated with getting dental implants:

A Realistic Restoration

When it comes to replacing a missing tooth we know just how important it is to have a restoration that looks like the real thing. Not only do dental implants look just like real teeth they also function like real teeth. In fact, the implant or metal screw is even placed into the jawbone so that it can replace your missing tooth roots and provide a permanent foundation from which to support an artificial tooth.

A Long-Lasting Tooth

Implants are made from a durable metal such as titanium, which then naturally melds together with bone and tissue. As long as you maintain good oral hygiene and continue to visit your Clifton, NJ, family dentist every six months for routine checkups your implant could end up lasting the rest of your life.

Eat What You Want

Another issue that people with tooth loss face is having trouble eating. As a result you may have to avoid certain foods or you may have trouble thoroughly chewing the food, which can lead to choking and digestive issues; however, since an implant acts like a real tooth and can’t be removed, this means that you can confidently eat whatever you want without worrying that your teeth might move or shift around.

Prevent Bone Loss

A serious complication of tooth loss is jawbone deterioration. The tooth roots stimulate the jawbone and keep it healthy. When one or more teeth fall out there isn’t enough stimulation for the jawbone. As a result, this leads to bone loss. The only tooth replacement option that can actually prevent bone loss is an implant since it stimulates the jawbone in the same way as a real tooth.

If you are ready to find out if your smile could benefit from dental implant treatment in Clifton, NJ, then call Pinadella Dental today to schedule a consultation with us.

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