Rejuvenate Your Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening

Stains that develop deep inside the dentin are called intrinsic, and almost impossible to remove with regular brushing and flossing. These types of discolorations are usually due to prescription medications or the natural aging process. If you use tobacco products or consume large amounts of dark foods and beverages, extrinsic tooth stains with reside on the enamel. Regardless of why your teeth may be a little lackluster, here at Pinadella Dental, Dr. Anthony Pinadella offers professional teeth whitening in Clifton, NJ, for patients who want to rejuvenate their smile. 

Who Is a Candidate?

Before beginning professional teeth whitening in Clifton, NJ, Dr. Anthony Pinadella, DMD, will need to make sure you're eligible for the procedure by discussing your smile goals and assessing your teeth and gums during an oral examination. Every patient is different, and if your teeth are prone to sensitivity or have stains that whitening gels can't eliminate, it's necessary to correct that problem before moving forward. The ideal candidate for professional teeth whitening has healthy gums free of swelling and inflammation. 

Over-the-Counter vs. Professional Teeth Whitening

You may think that over-the-counter methods are efficient, but it could take a long time to achieve desired results. With professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, you can reverse years of stains on your lunch break. Additionally, because Dr. Pinadella supervises the procedure, in-office treatment is the safest form of whitening. If you're ready to make a positive first impression on others and want a younger appearance without breaking the bank, professional teeth whitening is your best option. 

What Will Happen at the Appointment?

At our Clifton, NJ, office, we offer teeth whitening treatments because they're safe, effective, and provide immediate results in a single appointment. Before the procedure, you'll likely receive a quick cleaning to remove any food particles or debris. Once that is complete, a cheek retractor will be inserted into the mouth to protect the lips, teeth, and gums. Finally, you'll sit back and relax while the bleaching agent rejuvenates your smile up to eight shades whiter. 

Interested? Give Us a Call

For more information about teeth whitening and the other services we provide, visit our website. To schedule an appointment, please call (973) 594-1050.

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