Dental Crowns Restore Your Damaged Teeth

Find out exactly how dental crowns work to preserve your natural smile. 

You’ve probably heard about dental crowns before, but do you actually know what they do and why they are placed? This tooth-shaped cap may just do more than you ever thought when it comes to your oral health. Here are some situations in which our Clifton, NJ, dentist Dr. Anthony Pinadella may recommend getting a dental crown,

You have a cracked tooth 

If you have a cracked, broken, or injured tooth then you most certainly want to prevent the damage from getting worse while also restoring the tooth’s durability and strength. If you leave a damaged tooth untreated this can lead to further damage, especially when chewing and biting down. In this case, a dental crown is going to be the best option for improving the longevity and health of your tooth.

You have a failed dental filling 

A dental filling is used to restore a tooth after a cavity; however, if the cavity is rather extensive, this can affect the majority of the tooth. When it does, a dental filling may not be enough to fully support the tooth. If you have a large filling on one of your teeth this tooth can become weaker over time. When this happens our Clifton, NJ, dentist will recommend replacing the filling with a dental crown to prevent the tooth from weakening any further.

You need a root canal 

If our dentist detected an inflamed or infected dental pulp during your last dental checkup then the only option is to perform a root canal to remove the pulp and to prevent further damage. Of course, a tooth that has to undergo a root canal will require some support. In this case, placing a dental crown over the tooth will strengthen and rebuild the tooth, as well as restore biting and chewing strength back into your tooth.

You have a flawed tooth 

Sometimes a crown can be used to treat a cosmetically flawed tooth. Since a crown fits over the entire visible portion of a tooth it can hide severe discolorations as well as oddly shaped or malformed teeth to improve their overall appearance.

Whether you want to discuss dental crowns with our dentist or you just need to schedule a routine cleaning, call Pinadella Dental in Clifton, NJ, today at (973) 594-1050 to schedule your next appointment. Find out if your smile could benefit from a dental crown.

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